'I love you' Development

Howdy hey!

It's me, Shiroki, and I am just here to make a small notice for 'I Love You Demo', this visual novel submitted for the SWAK game jam.  I will be updating this and reworking this going forward. This version of the game will remain up because I didn't do this project alone, some nice folks did the coding, the writing and the art in it and the character art is lovely.  

I plan to rework and update this in the future, so there will be more I have done for this project. It feels odd to just make a new game with a complete 'art update' without saying anything. Maybe I could, but that just feels rude. So! Yeah...This will be written, the art will be more in my style, and so on. 

This little note is mostly for that. The rewrite/ update(??) will hopefully be out by May 23rd and focused on Date 1. I am leaning more into the horror of this as I figure out my characters, and I want to be a little more clear about how I want the story to go. The time crunch didn't exactly aid in that, but we will see what happens, and I really hope you all enjoy the update as well. 

Get I love you [Old Demo]

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